A Year In Flowers

It’s officially been one year since Fresh Cut Design jumped from my heart and into the world.

While it’s generally advised that your new venture mirror your existing income before taking the leap into full-time entrepreneurship (assuming you’re forgoing a 9-to-5), I would argue that you’ll be waiting an awfully long time as a single-income household during the greatest wealth gap of the past century. So we take a risk on ourselves — put forth our best efforts, stick to the budget and continue to evolve as humans and business owners.

Fresh Cut Design was something sitting on my desktop for several years as I worked various jobs in the floral and event industry (more on that here). While it certainly looks different from the initial scribble, I’m simply proud it exists. As I reflect on this first year, I’ve been thinking about the ways I’ve stayed adaptable and how charting (not to mention funding) your own course takes equal parts nerve and gumption. While necessity may require expanded offerings – for the time being I’ve chosen to prioritize my freelance clients, delivering floral education, and taking a select few events throughout the year. Read more about Fresh Cut Design services here.

Above all – I want to express my gratitude to the fantastic florists whom I’ve had the pleasure of freelancing for this past year. Whether I was sending daily orders out the door for delivery or at the top of a ladder for a wedding installation, it’s a privilege to be trusted with your brand and customers while you lead the charge on everything else. It is an added pleasure to meet and learn from the badass individuals that make up your teams. 

Some highlights:

  • Developing partnerships with local businesses and arts organizations to provide a platform for our seasonally-inspired floral workshops, as well as popping up with flowers at holiday markets, a home & gift shop, and even a friend’s home.

  • Serving Fresh Cut Design’s inaugural wedding clients from here (Michigan) to California. Thank you for trusting me to deliver blooms for your big day!

  • Making new flower friends in Santiago, Chile who expanded my knowledge of the South American flower market.

  • My best Halloween costume yet. 

Some notes of gratitude:

  • MAJOR THANKS to everyone who purchased a wreath or a workshop ticket from me. It is a joy to share knowledge and create something beautiful together!

  • Additional thanks to friends and family who’ve shared garage space, guest bedrooms and meals, as well as, referred me to friends, fellow florists, and family members. I will continue to accept your kindness & blackberry cobbler in 2022.

Thanks for following along as I slay stems from the fresh coast and beyond! Stay tuned for more floral musings and education via the mailing list and Instagram. Sign up below!

XO - Cristi, Stem Slayer


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